You may have noticed recently that we have expanded our range of promotional marketing products.…

Branded Commercial Soap Dispensers have become increasingly popular over the last twelve months, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses have been looking to apply further brand marketing opportunities wherever possible, and increase the safety of their customer and staff environments.
Choosing the right commercial soap dispenser (often known as commercial sanitisers), comes down to each individual’s requirement. However, there are some key benefits that should be considered before purchasing branded commercial soap dispensers.
This article details the main benefits of soap dispensers, including the characteristics you should select, based on your specific requirements.
What should you consider when purchasing branded commercial soap dispensers?
The main considerations when selecting the right product for you, are:
- Dispenser Design
- Sanitiser Capacity
- Operation (manual or automatic)
- Branding Opportunities
- Placement (wall, desk or free-standing)
Commercial Soap Dispenser Design
There are many variations of soap dispenser design available on the market, each with unique characteristics. It is important to remember that if you are looking to brand your products then you will need to opt for a product which offers ample front panel space for your brand to appear.
Does the commercial soap dispenser design offer ample branding space?
Aside from the benefit of increased capacity, dispensers with larger panel designs will provide greater surface area to print your logo. Here at Premier Brands for example, our 400ml Soap Dispenser has two front-panel branding opportunities, combining to offer a total of 2825mm². This, compared with our larger capacity model, the 900ml Soap Dispenser has a combined branding area of 3925mm².
If you are looking to add increased value to your soap dispenser investment, ensuring that your branding is seen from further away (regardless of use) would be a smart choice.
Is the material appropriate for brand application?
Choosing between stainless steel and plastic based products could make the difference between being able to brand the product or not. Be careful to ensure that your choice is based on your brand requirement and not only on style. Many products on the market are not able to be branded.
At Premier Brands, we stock only products which are fully brandable to avoid any confusion.
Is the material appropriate for the intended environment?
It is vital to consider the material in relation to the environment for which it is intended to be placed. If you are planning on installing your soap dispenser outside, then metallic products could become weathered more easily than plastic counterparts, for example.
Sanitiser Capacity
Having options in terms of the capacity of your products is a key benefit when it comes to choosing refillable soap dispensers.
When it comes to capacity (amount of soap or gel), more does not always mean best. For tighter environments, or areas where high traffic is anticipated, (such as waiting rooms or offices) higher volumes of dispensers with smaller hand sanitizer capacity could provide greater opportunity for brand communication whilst encouraging social distancing. Having lower volumes of larger capacity soap dispensers could mean queues forming and people clustering together.
In other circumstances, more gel or liquid soap capacity may be essential to your requirements. For example, at airports, sports stadiums or shopping centres, larger capacity and higher volumes can work hand-in-hand to provide both clear brand messaging and ample hand wash. It can also reduce the need to fill soap dispensers regularly.
At Premier Brands we offer three capacity options on our branded dispenser products, 400ml, 900ml and 1200ml.
Operation (manual or automatic)
There are operational options to choose from when purchasing soap dispensers, including manual operation and automatic operation. Manually operated soap dispensers often have a lower capacity compared to the automatic products, however they are also less costly, so could provide a preferred alternative in some budget scenarios.
Our 400ml and 900ml products are both manually operated, which means that we are able to offer branding opportunities on both the top of the front-panel and the lower pump area. This multi-panel brand feature gives you the chance to add more than one message to your audience.
Our 1200ml option is automatically dispensed, this offers reduced physical interaction with the product – a benefit many brands will be looking for at this time.
Branding Opportunities
As coronavirus continues to reduce the opportunities for physical brand interaction that businesses have with both their customers and staff, making the most of new branded products is vital to adapting to a new marketing strategy.
The branding opportunities that come from different commercial soap dispenser products should be a key part of your purchasing decision.
What branding opportunities are available to you?
Each soap dispenser product has varying brand application opportunities. At Premier Brands, all the products we offer have front panel printing options. This is ideal for a company logo, brand slogan or directional statement to guide users.
We also offer customisable panel colours to suit your brand. This additional customisation will give your products a level of continuity on larger sites where multiple dispensers are going to be installed.
How else can your brand be applied to the products?
Alongside the products themselves, there are also options to install your commercial soap dispensers with additional brand messaging. This includes opportunities such as wall mounted soap dispensers, free standing units and desk standing units.
Wall mounted soap dispensers
Wall mounted soap dispensers offer greater opportunity for communicating messages to your audience. Our 400ml and 900ml products can be wall mounted onto bespoke printed panels that carry your brand messages. This can increase interaction with the product significantly, ensuring more people use the product and engage with your messages.
When considering your products, you should look at the amount of space you have to install your dispensers and whether it is possible for you to utilise any extra space for this kind of marketing media.
You can read more about wall mounted soap dispensers on our products page.
Free-standing and desk-standing units
Where wall mounting is not possible, for example in larger, open environments, free-standing or desk-standing units may provide added benefit.
Both of these stands also offer further marketing opportunities, with space for signage to applied above the sanitiser panel. Using this space to draw people towards the product is certainly something to consider.
Further information can be found on free-standing and desk-standing units on our products page.
Deciding where you are going to place your dispensers is one of the first things you should look to do. There are products that can fit all environments, so deciding on placement will allow you to pinpoint the most appropriate for you.
At Premier Brands, we can customise multiple product types in one order, so if you have multiple placement requirements that would not be a problem.
Whatever your requirements, our team are on hand to help you
At Premier Brands, our team of brand experts are on hand to support you with your specific requirements.
Whether you are looking for more information on any of the details within this article, or you would like a quote for your business or a customer of yours – please do not hesitate to get in touch.